Drive Utilities .DLL Copyright 1994 by TANSTAAFL Software Drive Utilities is a collection of disk and file routines for the Visual Basic programmer. Drive Utilities will provide disk size, cluster size, sector size, and bytes used and free, which are not available through Visual Basic. Drive Utilities will provide file size, date, time and attributes, and allow date, time and attributes to be changed. Drive Utilities will also ZAPP a file by overwriting its clusters with a pattern, then deleting it. The Drive Utilities package contains the following files: DRVUTILS.DLL dynamic link library DRVUTILS.HLP documentation in Help file DRVUTILS.BAS declarations and constants DRVUTILS.TXT this file DRVDEMO.MAK Visual Basic demo make file DRVDEMO.FRM Visual Basic demo main form DRVDEMO.EXE Visual Basic demo executable program Permission is granted to use this .DLL with your own programs. Permission is NOT granted to distribute this .DLL with your programs. The $20 registration fee will allow you to ship DRVUTILS.DLL with your software, and will come with all source code (in Visual C++). Print the order form from the help file. TANSTAAFL Software P.O. Box 260075 Lakewood, CO 80226